Thumnail of Tableau Visualization entitled CRS State Profiles

CRS State Profiles

Over 3.5 million policyholders participate in CRS communities that implement activities exceeding the minimum NFIP requirements. Although CRS communities represent only 5% of the over 22,000 communities participating in the NFIP, more than 65% of all flood insurance policies are written in CRS communities.

Thumnail of Tableau Visualization entitled CRS Participation

CRS Participation

Over 1,500 communities participate in the Community Rating System (CRS), receiving discounts in flood insurance premiums that range from 5% to 45%. The CRS has ten CRS Classes and premium discounts are based on the community’s class.

Thumnail of Tableau Visualization entitled CRS Classifications

CRS Classifications

CRS classifications range from a Class 1 – 9, representing 45% to 5% in flood insurance discounts.

Thumnail of Tableau Visualization entitled Activity 430 Higher Regulatory Standards

Activity 430 Higher Regulatory Standards

CRS Activity 430 – Higher Regulatory Standards is one of 19 activities where credits are provided for exceeding minimum national standards of the NFIP. It specifically addresses regulations to protect existing and future development and natural floodplain functions.

Thumnail of Tableau Visualization entitled CRS Participation by Years

CRS Participation by Years

CRS has experienced continued growth in participation since its inception in 1990. Over 50% of today’s participating communities have been enrolled for over 20 years, while 25% have joined in the last 10 years.

Thumnail of Tableau Visualization entitled Historical CRS Classifications

Historical CRS Classifications

The distribution of CRS classifications has changed over time as more communities join CRS and many improve their classes.